Pani Clean, Inc. received an award in the amount of $10,000 in the 2019 Iowa Innovation Competition. The first phase of Iowa Innovation Competition was hosted by the John Pappajohn Entrepreneurial Center (Iowa JPEC) partnering with the University of Iowa’s Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Iowa Research Foundation, and UI Ventures on November 18-20. The first phase of the Challenge was an elevator pitch competition that took place for three days. The second phase of the Challenge will take place in the spring of 2020.
The list of the winner in the category of Faculty, Staff, Graduate Students, and Incubator Startup Awards include:
1st Place, $20,000 | CartilaGen
2nd Place, $10,000 | Pani Clean
3rd Place, $5,000 | Juggernaut Life Sciences/ArtuDetu
Best Non-Technology:
1st Place, $5,000 | VerdiLife
2nd Place, $3,000 | No Limbits
3rd Place, $2,000 | Apollo
Additional Awards:
Best Pitch – $2,000 | Comigo – Isabel Reed (Incubator Startup)
Best Social Impact – $2,000 | Iowa Mobile Clinic – Joyce Wahba (Graduate Medical Student)
Judges Choice – $1,000 | CartilaGen – Jaison Marks (Graduate Student, Orthopedics)
For more information, visit:
September 20, 2019